A Personal Response to Voddie Baucham on Mental Illness

CC image courtesy of Flickr, Pavel P. Image links to source.
CC image courtesy of Flickr, Pavel P. Image links to source.

By R.L. Stollar, HA Community Coordinator. This piece originally ran on December 21, 2014.

Over the last week I listened to and transcribed Voddie Baucham’s sermon “Nebuchadnezzar Loses His Mind.”  I grew up in the Christian homeschool world in which Baucham is popular. I have written numerous times about my own struggles with major depressive disorder and suicidal urges, as well as been publicly critical about the American Evangelical Church’s handling of mental health issues, I take Baucham’s sermon seriously. The ideas he expresses here are admired and continue to be disseminated in the Christian homeschool world. These ideas are damaging to many people and must be spoken up against to protect children growing up in that same world today.

I also take Baucham’s sermon personally.

As someone who strives to take Jesus of Nazareth seriously, yet daily fights depression and suicide, I know full well the crushing weight that these ideas can have one’s life.

I know the immense guilt and shame they heap on people. I also know they have no basis in reality, are contrary to the history of Christianity’s relationship with mental health, and thus deserve to be called out for what they are: a twisting of the gospel and a careless rejection of science — in other words, of the nature that Baucham’s God so carefully made. To reject nature, as revealed by the science and reason so graciously gifted to us, is to reject God and exchange the gospel for fear and supernaturalistic dogma.

There is much in Baucham’s sermon I could critique. But I want, for the sake of length, to focus on three specific problems: (1) a misunderstanding of the basic nature of mental illness, (2) a misunderstanding of basic medical-scientific definitions, and (3) a misunderstanding of why people don’t talk to their pastors about their very real mental health struggles.

A misunderstanding of mental illness

I’d like to start at the beginning of Voddie Baucham’s sermon, where he reveals at the outset that he has no idea what he’s talking about. Baucham introduces the topic of mental illness by claiming that Nebuchadnezzar’s curse in Daniel 4 was a curse of schizophrenia:

You can act like Daniel, Chapter 4 is not here and we can not deal with the question of schizophrenia. But then you gotta read Job and you gotta deal with clinical depression. “Oh we’ll just act like Job is not there.” That’s fine. We’ll deal with the Apostle Paul and the murders he oversaw and then we can talk about post-traumatic stress disorder. “Well, I don’t really want to talk about that.” Ok, fine, if you don’t want to talk about that, let’s talk about Jesus, shall we? In the Garden of Gethsemane, where he experiences a classic instance of anxiety. Or better yet, when he comes to the tomb of Lazarus, weeping, there in depression, but then resuscitates Lazarus, and they celebrate — now he’s bipolar. Let’s not even talk about the Psalms, where you find every manner of what we would define as “mental illness” expressed by the psalmist himself.

Right here, at the beginning, Baucham disqualifies himself from discussing these issues in any accurate, sensitive, or thoughtful manner. In fact, his introduction to this topic trots out some of the most ridiculous myths and stereotypes about mental illnesses with which people daily suffer. For example: Job went through horrible times, was sad, and therefore was clinically depressed. In other words, “sadness” is “depression.” Or Jesus weeping? That’s “depression.”

No. No, it’s not. When you’re sad, you’re sad. When you’re depressed, you’re depressed. Those are two completely different categories. Sadness is an emotion. Depression is a disorder marked by clearly defined symptoms. You see this marginalization of depressed individuals all the time in our society. Did you miss the opportunity to buy tickets to your favorite band and thus described yourself as “depressed”? You’re doing exactly what Baucham is doing: using a word that means something medically to describe nothing more than emotional state. When Jesus wept, he was being emotional. Being emotional is not the same as being mentally ill, though people — like Baucham — who marginalize and stigmatize the mentally ill love to make this equivocation. They love to do so because it allows them to collapse emotions with mental illness and thereby prove the latter amounts to nothing more than the unnatural (or “sinful”) rejection of the former.

When Jesus experienced sadness and wept, and then experienced happiness and rejoiced — those were normal human emotions, not bipolar disorder. And I don’t know a single psychiatrist or psychologist or emergency care physician or general practitioner who would confuse the two. He’s flogging nothing but straw men here. In other words, Baucham is the one confusing the two, not mental health professionals — which is why it’s a good thing that Baucham is not such a professional nor is qualified to treat those who suffer from mental illness.

A misunderstanding of definitions

One sees the continuation of Baucham’s ignorance of mental health when he goes on the attack about mental health terminology such as “symptom,” “syndrome,” and “disorder.” He tries to parse these terms to prove that mental illnesses, unlike physical illnesses, lack scientific basis. He even imputes some species of conspiracy to the professions of psychology and psychiatry (two entirely different professions, which he constantly equivocates between). Here’s an example:

Most Christians don’t know that there is no such thing as chemical imbalance. There’s no test for it. There never has been a test for it… That’s why we use the term “syndrome” or “disorder.”… Psychiatry and psychology have never cured anyone of anything nor do they claim to be able to. Let me say that one more time slowly. Psychology and psychiatry — and they’re not the same thing, one’s a medical doctor who goes to medical school, a psychiatrist, gets a medical degree, k? And they can dispense drugs, and, and that’s pretty much all they do, just dispense drugs and [unintelligible] drugs — and the other one, a psychologist, you don’t go to medical school, that’s a complete different degree, k? But in both instances, psychology and psychiatry have never cured anyone of anything. By the way, in order to cure somebody, you need to be able to diagnose them accurately, right? If you can’t diagnose someone accurately, and there’s no test to demonstrate what a person has, how could you know if you cured them? You can’t…. I’m not telling you my opinion, by the way. Everything I’ve stated for you up to this point is just pure fact… The reason they said “disorder” or “syndrome” is because it is not a disease….You do not have a medical diagnosis. It’s not a disease. And, and it’s time to, to, to expose the man behind the curtain on this one. Because he’s been parading as the great and powerful Oz for far too long.

Honestly, I don’t even know where to begin here. Much of what Baucham is saying is based on an outdated model of anti-psychiatry championed by a man named Thomas Szasz in the 1950’s. Had Baucham bothered to do a simple internet search — or even a lazy perusal of Szasz’s Wikipedia page, at the very least — he might have known this. As it stands, Baucham is merely repeating discredited science from decades ago.

Or there’s the asinine stereotype of psychiatrists being nothing more than psychotrophic Pez dispensers. While I am sure there must be psychiatrists out there who do that (since it’s a common stereotype), every psychiatrist I know is careful in handing out medication and also highly emphasizes exercise, meditation, positive thinking, spirituality, community programs, therapy, and so forth. Baucham’s picture of the average psychiatrist sounds more like an old stereotype of evil, lab-coated psychiatrists than actual, real psychiatrists in the 21st century.

But probably the most problematic part of these statements is Baucham’s understanding of the alleged inferiority of “disorders” and “syndromes.” So let’s look at 4 basic definitions to clear this up:

1) “Symptom”: A symptom refers to an observable behavior or state.

2) “Syndrome”: A syndrome indicates a cluster or combination of symptoms that occur together over time. It does not directly imply an underlying cause. The symptoms that occur together may or may not actually be related. Some syndromes, such as Parkinsonian syndrome, have multiple possible causes.

3) “Disorder”: Disorder means a functional abnormality or disturbance. Like a syndrome, a disorder is indicated by a combination of symptoms and does not necessarily have proven underlying cause.

4) “Disease”: A disease is a disorder where the underlying cause is known.

Baucham plays fast and loose with all these definitions to throw mental illness into a negative light, frequently referring to the illnesses as “syndromes” and “disorders” (rhetorically emphasizing the quotation marks as if they are figments of sufferers’ imaginations). He stresses that, as syndromes and disorders, mental illnesses have no set methods of diagnosis or cure.

The problem here is that Baucham ignores the fact that syndromes and disorders exist outside of the realm of mental illness as well. Take carpal tunnel syndrome, for example. It is highly unlikely (though I could be wrong) that Baucham would take people to task who claim they have carpal tunnel syndrome — the real, physical feelings of sharp pain that most people believe are caused by repetitive motions. Like mental illnesses, carpal tunnel syndrome has symptoms. However, also like mental illnesses, most cases of carpal tunnel syndrome (1) are idiopathic, or have no proven, known, or “scientific” cause, (2) are nonetheless diagnosed because many people report similar experiences, yet (3) there is no objective, all-mighty standard for the diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome.

In other words, Baucham might as well have dedicated his entire sermon to “disproving” the seriousness of carpal tunnel syndrome and attacking and belittling medical professionals who attempt to help those who suffer from it. But he did not. He instead chose to apply these arguments selectively to mental illness.

That’s not a coincidence. Rather, it’s nothing less than proof that Baucham is wrong in claiming that, “far from there being a stigma anymore with mental illness,” “we’re proud of our mental illnesses. We wear them like a badge. We won’t tell people our phone number but we’ll tell them our diagnoses.”

That’s not actually the case. In fact, we can directly disprove it by thinking about the differences — in the work place — when it comes to something like carpal tunnel syndrome versus something like a mental illness. If you are a cashier at a grocery store, the workplace would be supportive — in fact, would demand you to inform your superiors — of your getting proper care and treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome. This syndrome would be considered “real” — despite the fact that, as I just said, most cases of carpal tunnel syndrome (1) are idiopathic, or have no proven, known, or “scientific” cause, (2) are nonetheless diagnosed because many people report similar experiences, yet (3) there is no objective, all-mighty standard for the diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome. Despite all 3 of these facts, your workplace would never question your pain. You would also never turn up at a church — even Voddie Baucham’s church — and be subjected to an hour-plus sermon about how your carpal tunnel syndrome had a “direct link” to your “sin.”

But now imagine if you are a cashier at a grocery store and you suffer from bipolar disorder. Like carpal tunnel syndrome, bipolar disorder (1) is idiopathic, (2) is nonetheless diagnosed because many people report similar experiences, yet (3) there is no objective, all-mighty standard for its diagnosis. Yet not only would you feel less comfortable telling your manager about your bipolar disorder, your manager would also feel less comfortable supporting you in managing your disorder. Indeed, in a recent survey of 2,000 individuals from a cross-section of industries, it was found that over 50% “thought that if they were open about a mental health issue it would damage their career prospects.” If over 50% of employees who suffered from carpal tunnel syndrome felt their jobs were threatened from speaking up, OSHA would be all over that. But even if this was not the case: it is far easier to receive government acknowledgment that your workplace caused carpal tunnel syndrome (and thus receive worker’s compensation) than to receive government acknowledgment that your workplace caused a mental illness. Whether you believe it should exist or not, there is an inherent bias against the latter that is built within the worker’s compensation system.

That is the reality of mental health stigma. And Baucham has indirectly proven that it is still alive and well, just by the way he framed this discussion.

 A misunderstanding of why people don’t talk to their pastors

Baucham attempts to challenge (or probably, in terms of results, shame) his listeners into revealing their private medical histories to their church leaders. Baucham says,

If you’re here today and you’re being treated by someone for a mental illness, and you have not informed your elders — first, I want to ask you a question. Why on God’s green earth would you do that? Why? By the way, I can tell you the answer: Because you’ve bought the lie.

Now I’m going to get a bit personal here and go out on a limb: If people aren’t telling their pastors about their mental health struggles, it’s probably because their pastors’ perspectives on mental illness are just as horrible as Voddie Baucham’s.

I don’t mean that as an ad hominem. I’m deadly serious: people die every day because of the stigma and public shaming of the mentally ill. A significant amount of that stigma and public shaming comes from Christian communities, churches, and leaders. And a significant amount of that stigma and public shaming looks just like Voddie Baucham’s sermon. The fact that he does not see how crippling and destructive the ideas he has communicated here are only goes to show how far certain Christians need to come to better support the mentally ill.

That is why many people don’t reveal their mental health struggles with their churches. Because when they do so, they often hear exactly what Baucham said.

In a 2008 Baylor University study, Matthew Stanford found the following among church attendees with professionally diagnosed mental illness(es):

  • 41% were told by someone at their church that they did not really have mental illness.
  • 28% were told by someone at their church to stop taking psychiatric medication.
  • 37% were told by someone at their church that their mental illness was the result of personal sin.
  • 34% were told by someone at their church that their mental illness was the result of demonic involvement.

A recent 2014 study by LifeWay Research also revealed that, “Only a quarter of churches (27 percent) have a plan to assist families affected by mental illness according to pastors.”

Instead of pushing people who suffer from mental illness to publicly disclose diagnoses that often lead to further shaming and stigmatization (like the shaming and stigmatization in Baucham’s own sermon), Baucham should be working to end stigma. He should be urging his church leadership — and other churches — to transform their communities to be places where the mentally ill feel safe and welcome: where they won’t be told their illnesses are caused by sin, where they aren’t treated as though their illnesses were second-rate illnesses or figments of their imagination, and where their pastors are actually equipped to assist them (or know when to stop pontificating unscientifically about mental illness and instead encourage to seek actual professionals).

Until Voddie Baucham can understand something as simple as the difference between Nebuchadnezzar’s curse and schizophrenia, he needs to sit down and pass the microphone to those who do.

24 thoughts on “A Personal Response to Voddie Baucham on Mental Illness

  1. April Kelsey December 21, 2014 / 4:56 am

    Bachman’s position on mental illness, while abhorrent, is not surprising given his ties to the Southern Baptist Convention. The Southern Baptist Seminary teaches this drivel in their pastoral counseling courses, and it’s parroted by the likes of Al Mohler and John MacArther. These men are part of the biblical counseling movement, which began in 1969 as an anti-psychiatry movement by Jay Adams. Adams was heavily influenced by Thomas Szasz and O. H. Mowrer. He wrote his own (radically Calvinist) counseling material labeling mental illness as a “flight from responsibility” and psychotherapy as anti-God. The movement actually discourages pastors and leaders from studying modern psychology, lest they be ‘corrupted’ by “humanistic ideas.” So these leaders continue to parrot stereotypes about psychiatry that were outdated 30 years ago. And because many of these leaders have Dr. In front of their names (sometimes from a bogus school), people think they are qualified to speak on the issue.

    I’m doing a series on the biblical counseling movement over at my blog. Feel free to come check it out. The first 3 parts are up.


  2. Hilary December 21, 2014 / 1:22 pm

    Brilliant response. Thank you!


  3. Leslie Donovan December 21, 2014 / 4:59 pm

    Thank you for writing this. The damage caused by people like Voddie Baucham needs to end.


  4. Liz.R December 22, 2014 / 12:51 am

    Just a quick point, in Australia, carpal tunnel syndrome is diagnosed by a nerve conduction test, as the pain is caused by nerve entrapment due to the narrowing carpal tunnel. The rest, brilliant 🙂


  5. Debbie December 22, 2014 / 7:03 am

    So sad considering most of his children are adopted and have a much higher probability of mental illness.


  6. Headless Unicorn Guy December 22, 2014 / 1:08 pm

    Note this is the same Voddie Baucham as in “Beat the Shyness Out of your Kid” and “As a man ages, his eye turns towards younger women and that’s why God gives a man daughters”.


  7. Jacob December 28, 2014 / 11:21 am

    I tried a church-based counselor once and it was a nightmare experience. If we ignore the session in which she recommended I see the pastor for an exorcism (I refused), it was still very much grounded in the idea that fixing the spiritual life will fix the mental life arena of thought.

    I’m sure there are some qualified, good counselors within the the broader church, but I sure as hell won’t be trying any of them. The church exists to feed and guide the spiritual life (at least, in the church’s ideal state) — everything else the leaders are generally unqualified for.

    The church sees all problems through the lens of man’s relationship with God, so fixing that will tend to be their default position when it comes to issues of physical or mental health, NEITHER of which most people in leadership positions at a church have any business offering input on.

    That said, I DO think that a good, mental illness-conscious church should be taking on the onus of being able to help guide its members to good mental health professionals, especially with an eye on those that can be afforded by people with little income.


    • Pastor Alin February 4, 2015 / 9:14 am

      My Church helped guide me to a good counselor when I started experiencing anxiety and panic attacks. There are good Churches out there. And we are a Southern Baptist Church. There is also another brother in our congregation who suffers from major depression and he is being mentored by another brother whose wife has the same issue. They drive him to Doctor’s appointments and do all they can to help him get through it.


    • Barb May 9, 2015 / 12:39 pm

      I hear ya, Jacob. I also tried a….uh….Christian marriage counselor, twice, and both were so pathetic. The first one tried to go the direction that it was all my fault and we had to fix me first. I’ll spare you the rest of the details, but if my experience with a marriage counselor is typical (and I suspect it is), I can only imagine how those with depression or other issues are frustrated about the lack of help.


  8. Aaron Pomerantz December 29, 2014 / 7:05 pm

    While I’d agree with you that people like Baucham are bang out of order, I’d also caution that too much trust in psychology, and a lot of its models of mental health and healthcare, can also be harmful.

    That being said, thank you so much for pointing out the most important error of Baucham’s sermon, where he says that people don’t talk to their elders just because they’ve “bought the lie.” If only the christian community could be more self-aware and see just how hostile an environment they are to those suffering from mental illness, especially depression and bipolar disorder, perhaps the church would be a lot healthier of a place.

    I find it rich that people like Baucham will condemn psychology and psychiatry as “unscientific,” and then laud Christian counseling, which is just as, if not more “unscientific,” and very often harmful.

    A friend of mine actually just addressed this issue on his blog, due to this exact issue coming up in his church recently, and he’s planning on doing a series about the whole issue. I’d love to hear your thoughts on it.

    A Skeptic’s View of Christian Counseling Part 1: Prolegomena


  9. cheesehed January 7, 2015 / 7:29 pm

    Thank you for posting this.

    My family and I were part of the “fundagelical” world for about 25 years, and while we homeschooled. We were exposed to this type of unthinking, shallow, hurtful type of teaching. I thank the Lord that my wife and I both were raised in mainline Christian denominations where you don’t find this type of drivel taught — and we escaped.

    What was most was individuals we knew in these churches where someone had a mental illness. But because the leaders didn’t believe in it, these poor souls had no place to go — except suffer even more. They didn’t know that not everyone (not even most in Christendom!) buys such a narrow POV. Kinda like walking out on a tree limb — eventually there’s no place to go.


  10. cheesehed January 7, 2015 / 7:30 pm

    In paragraph #2, add “disturbing” as the 4th word in the first sentence.
    Then it might make sense. 🙂


  11. Bill January 8, 2015 / 7:41 pm

    Seems like I once heard John Hagee tell people with depression to just “get over it”. I guess the same could be said about his obvious obesity problem that he needs to just “get over it” and lose a few pounds. The stupidity of some so called preachers is truly astounding.


  12. Karen January 12, 2015 / 2:15 pm

    Thanks so much for your personal witness. I was a psychology major in an Evangelical college (class of 1982), and I have absolutely no patience or sympathy for Baucham’s kind of dangerous theological heresy (let’s just call it by its proper name here–heresy!). Those who teach this would be better off tying a millstone around their necks and throwing themselves into the sea, they have caused so many of Jesus’ “little ones” to stumble! Groups like Baucham’s are so woefully ignorant of Christian hermeneutical history. It might surprise many Christians to know that even the Church Fathers, who were deeply immersed in the Scriptures (as well as living out the commandments of Christ much more radically than those who hold to a teaching like Bauchman’s ever will!), recognized multiple causes (not just overtly spiritual) for symptoms of mental illness, generally accepting diagnoses offered by physicians of their day, and did not regard all mental illness as the result of the demonic or personal irresponsibility. They generally held very compassionate attitudes towards those who so suffered.

    It’s deeply disheartening to me this kind of theological ignorance persists even 35 years after my Evangelical professors were working to dispel such naive myths in the Evangelical community. I have a relative who has suffered chronic paranoid schizophrenia for over 30 years. She is a believer. She does well when she stays on her meds. She requires institutionalization without them. Keep telling the truth. It will be helpful to the teachable.


  13. Pierre Clemenceau June 3, 2015 / 3:50 am

    1) Could anyone post a link to where a published peer-reviewed study found a chemical imbalance in the brain to be the cause of depression?
    2) What was your level of seratonin (or whatever chemical you think was imbalanced) when you had it tested as you were diagnosed with depression?
    3) What is the “correct” level of seratonin (or whatever chemical) in the human brain as established by science for normal non-depressive human functionality and a balanced level of chemicals in the brain?

    If you don’t know the answer to these questions, then you don’t know whether depression is caused by a chemical imbalance nor, even if it is, whether your own personal symptoms were caused by a chemical imbalance.
    If you appeal to science (as this article does), finish the argument and provide the actual science.


  14. Chris June 4, 2015 / 7:25 am

    If only chemical imbalances and depression was the point.


  15. Peter Seaton April 8, 2022 / 7:28 am

    Thank you for writing. Your article was enlightening and right on. Voddie is a Baptist pastor and teacher, but not a doctor. Our faith in Jesus is a gift for the forgiveness of sins. Sickness is a result of sinfulness that we have inherited from the first Adam. We will all get sick and die eventually. Jesus, the second Adam came to forgive our sins and impute righteousness to us.
    My testimony is similar to what you shared. I used to believe that if I strictly adhered to the law and the “spirit’s” directions: that I would be joyful, happy and healthy as a Spirit filled Christian.
    Trials and a hard life- definitely, but major clinical depression and anxiety? No way. I was obedient! I went to extremes too.
    Anyway, after several years in a pietistic church; law based, I was certain I would never fall and get terribly sick. I became clinically depressed. Very seriously. I could not reconcile my walk with the Lord and becoming mentally ill. I tried so hard to be obedient. For a long time; until I couldn’t anymore. My battle with sin was lost. I fell hard into sin and sickness. I was gone.
    After many years of meds and therapy I get better. But, my faith in Jesus was gone. I believed. But lost faith. I couldn’t bring myself back. Some years ago, the Lord God started to bring me back to church. He led me to a reformed church. Much different than what I was used to. God renewed my faith in Him. Not my ability, but in Him.
    I still take meds and have other health problems too. The Lord showed me in scripture that I indeed am His. Not because of anything in me, but what Jesus did on the cross for me. Nothing in me, but all to Jesus I owe. I have been changed from the inside out. God is much bigger than I could even imagine.
    Our church culture these days is very man centered. What we do. Rather than what God, in Christ, has done for us.
    God bless you today and everyday as you struggle. It is all worth it.


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